V4G is more than a "consulting" company: our services are designed to meet the individual needs of our clients (See also ...). V4G's involvement can be limited to "hands on" coaching and consulting, as well as drafting of technical & financial memorandum for a private placements; or more extended terms of involvement can be foreseen (interim management with operational and/or management responsibilities).

V4G is committed to quality of action, realising growth objectives within a wide range of enterprises at differing stages in their business development. See also ...

As proof of our commitment and willingness to share risk and as an alternative to classical "fee for service" arrangements, V4G can accept a variable and incentive-based remuneration, or a remuneration in equity.

V4G's success is due to its participative management style. V4G has a highly tailored pragmatic approach and hence defines and structures each engagement to best meet each individual client's needs. See also ...

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(c) 2016 - Value for Growth NV/SA